Annual Reports

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Annual Report 2020-2021

The impact of Covid lockdowns and pressure on the research sector, has negatively impacted our operations for the last two years. Despite this, stringent cost reduction and private contributions means that CIIER remains solvent.  However, maintaining income requires both sponsored projects and fee for service to continue, as investment returns are minimal. Volunteer effort and in-kind support remain an essential part of our modus operandi.

We thank the following organisations, which have provided CIIER with sponsorship, grants, in-kind support, Research project inclusion and collaboration, fee discounts, or fees for service, both contributing to our research outcomes, and allowing us to contribute to theirs.


Oceania Cyber Security Centre
Nesta Logo

Safer Sare Vic
City of Melbourne Logo
SIP Management Consultants
University of Melbourne Logo
Health Issues Victoria

We also thank, in particular, Jo Dalvean, for designing, restructuring and maintaining the CIIER website

Research Projects and Focus

Focus in 2021

CIIER intends to continue to explore the nexus of ICT, innovation, and healthcare in 2021-22.

Projects in 2021

Australia’s Digital Pulse

ACS Australia’s Digital Pulse annual report provides an analysis of Australia’s digital economy, workforce, and policy landscape, prepared by Deloitte Access Economics on behalf of the Australian Computer Society. The Digital Pulse report incorporates the ICT Statistical Compendium, which was originally developed and provided by CIIER to the ACS for many years, and continues to draw upon statistical definitions, nomenclatures, and paradigms developed by CIIER.

The Digital Pulse report includes analysis of Australia’s ICT sector, the increasing use of digital technologies, and key enablers of future growth and innovation, and these provide a platform and evidence base for broader public discussion on digital issues. CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis was appointed as “Subject Matter Expert” to the team for Digital Pulse. Deloitte make a small financial contribution to CIIER for these services.

Victorian Cancer Agency research funding panel

Participation in the VCA funding round as part of the consumer evaluation panel. VCA pay a small fee to CIIER for this contribution.

Future Health Today

Future Health Today is a collaboration between University of Melbourne and Western Health. It is a proactive digital health intervention that uses data from health records to automate the detection of chronic disease to provide new opportunities for early intervention and improved health outcomes.

The Aim of the project is to develop a technology platform to work in general medical practice so that chronic disease and chronic disease risk can be detected earlier, people at risk can have opportunity to address their risk sooner, and conditions can be managed earlier for improved health outcomes. CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis, has been appointed to the advisory committee for this project, and as an Associate Investigator for an associated NHMRC grant application.


A review of the potential and design of patient data access to Orthopaedic surgery outcomes data was conducted by the Registry, supported by the Victorian Agency for Health Information. CIIER chair, Ian Dennis , contributed to the consumer evaluation component. The research report is available on the CIIER website.


The BroSupPORT project was an initiative of the Victorian Agency for Health Information, and is intended to provide a portal to information for men dealing with prostate cancer, and some analysis of prostate cancer outcomes, based on actual patient consumer feedback.  .  CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis, was appointed to the BroSupPORT advisory committee.  A CIIER paper on improving consumer access to Patient outcome register data, developed as a response to some of the issues identified during the project, is available on the CIIER website.

BroSupPORT has now concluded.


The measurement of “trust” was the subject of a series of short articles (available on the CIIER website). Discussions flowing from these reports led to a joint research and product development project titled TrustSights, with Vanessa Hall (Entente), and her associates, Frank Amodeo, and Richard Blakemore (Deltapoint). One of the early areas of investigation is trust in relation to Telehealth.

Health Issues Centre Telehealth Forum

Assisting in the preparation, development, and co-hosting, a Consumer forum on Telehealth in October 2020

Australian Digital Cities Index

CIIER has maintained its commitment to the ADCI project, despite difficulties in gaining the required sponsorship in order to complete both the analysis and research reporting.

Volunteer effort by the Project Director, Ernest Stabek, has kept the research in the public eye, and data gathering and analysis by Nan Zhou, Mehreen Hamsa, and Ian Dennis have allowed the project to progress to completion.

Proof of Concept – sponsored by AuDA, was achieved last financial year, and final analysis results, both for ADCI, and a combined Australian DCI/European DCI was achieved just before the CIIER 2019 AGM. Whilst the need for this analysis remains, the project continuation has proven infeasible during the covid pandemic.

Initial discussions commenced with OCSC in 2021, concerning the potential for ADCI to be expanded into the rest of Oceania. These discussions came to fruition early in the 2021-22 year.

CIIER Ranking Engine

This project grew from a requirement of the ADCI project but has proven valuable in its own right. It allows us to easily rank groupings by disparate datasets easily, consistently, and accurately. The CIIER ranking engine will be an integral part of the proposed Oceanian Digital Cities Index.

City of Melbourne Grants

We continue to assist COM with reviews of submissions to their small business and community grants programme. COM pays a fee for this service.


  • President: Ian Dennis
  • Vice-President: Ernest Stabek
  • Members: John Graham, Tricia Greenaway, Jo Dalvean

Annual Report 2019-2020

CIIER remains solvent, with minimal debt or forward cost issues, however maintaining income requires both sponsored projects and fee for service to continue, as investment returns are minimal. Volunteer effort and in-kind support are also an essential part of our modus operandi.

We thank the following organisations, which have provided CIIER with sponsorship, in-kind support, project inclusion, fee discounts, or fees for service in the 2019-20 year, thus contributing to our financial and research outcomes, and allowing us to contribute to theirs.

ACS Logo
Deloitte Logo

City of Melbourne Logo
Nesta Logo
University of Melbourne Logo
5P Logo
Monash Health Logo
Movember Foundation Logo
SIP Management Consultants Logo

Research Projects and Focus

Continuing projects

Australian Digital Cities Index

CIIER has maintained its commitment to the ADCI project, despite difficulties in gaining the required sponsorship in order to complete both the analysis and research reporting.

Volunteer effort by the Project Director, Ernest Stabek, has kept the research in the public eye, and data gathering and analysis by Nan Zhou, Mehreen Hamsa, and Ian Dennis have allowed the project to progress to completion.

Proof of Concept – sponsored by AuDA, was achieved last financial year, and final analysis results, both for ADCI, and a combined Australian DCI/European DCI was achieved after the end of the 2018-9 financial year, but before the CIIER 2019 AGM.

CIIER Ranking Engine

This project grew from a requirement of the ADCI project but has proven valuable in its own right. It allows us to easily rank groupings by disparate data-sets easily, consistently, and accurately, and will be a useful tool for future ranking analysis projects.

 In accordance with our agreement with NESTA, a gratis version of the CIIER ranking Engine has been provided to them.

The use of the CIIER ranking engine on other “index” projects is now being mooted on such diverse areas as “trust” and “cyber-security”.

City of Melbourne Grants

We continue to assist COM with reviews of submissions to their small business and community grants programme. COM pays a fee for this service.

University of Melbourne E-Health study

We participated in this project survey structure review and in the survey process, outcomes were originally anticipated in December 2019.

CIIER cancer consumer database for Integrated Cancer Services

A preliminary proposal has been submitted, with further discussions originally intended to take place early in 2020. Like many such projects, this is also now deferred.

New projects in 2020


The BroSupPORT project is an initiative of the Victorian Agency for Health Information, and is intended  to provide a portal to information for men dealing with prostate cancer,  and some analysis of prostate cancer outcomes,  based on actual patient consumer feedback. 
The BroSupPORT project is supported by Movember Foundation and is being managed by Monash Health.  CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis, has been appointed to the BroSupPORT advisory committee.  A perfect blend of his interests in cancer research and ICT.

Future Health Today

Future Health Today is a collaboration between University of Melbourne and Western Health. It is a proactive digital health intervention that uses data from health records to automate the detection of chronic disease to provide new opportunities for early intervention and improved health outcomes.

The Aim of the project is to develop a technology platform to work in general medical practice so that chronic disease and chronic disease risk can be detected earlier, people at risk can have opportunity to address their risk sooner, and conditions can be managed earlier for improved health outcomes. CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis, has been appointed to the advisory committee for this project.

Digital Pulse

ACS Australia’s Digital Pulse annual report provides a snapshot of Australia’s digital economy, work-force and policy landscape, prepared by Deloitte Access Economics on behalf of the Australian Computer Society. The Digital Pulse report incorporates the ICT Statistical Compendium, which was originally developed and provided by CIIER to the ACS for many years, and continues to draw upon statistical definitions, nomenclatures, and paradigms developed by CIIER.

The Digital Pulse report includes analysis of Australia’s ICT sector, the increasing use of digital technologies, and key enablers of future growth and innovation, and these provide a platform and evidence base for broader public discussion on digital issues. CIIER Chair, Ian Dennis has been appointed as “Subject Matter Expert” to the team for the 2020 edition of Digital Pulse.

New projects under development

Measurement of Trust

Preliminary investigations have commenced on Trust, and the ways in which it might be measured. A series of short articles are now available on the CIIER Reports page.

ICT Economic Contribution

A further series of articles have addressed the vexed issue of underreporting of the innovation and economic significance of the ICT industry by many economists, based upon a common misunderstanding of Australian Bureau of Statistics data. Discussions are proceeding with key ICT stakeholders.

Autism Academy for Software Quality

CIIER is lending its support to encouraging the expansion to Victoria and NSW of this excellent initiative currently operation


  • President: Ian Dennis
  • Vice-President: Ernest Stabek
  • Members: John Graham, Tricia Greenaway, Jo Dalvean

Annual report 2018-2019


CIIER remains solvent, with minimal debt or forward cost issues, however maintaining income requires both sponsored projects and fee for service to continue, as investment returns are minimal. Volunteer effort and in-kind support are also an essential part of our modus operandi.

We thank the following organisations, which have provided CIIER with sponsorship, in-kind support, fee discounts, or fees for service, in the 2018-9 year, thus contributing to our financial and research outcomes.

City of Melbourne Logo
University of Melbourne Logo
SIP Management  Consultants
Pearcey Foundation

As an Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission registered research body, CIIER Financial reports are made available for public scrutiny each year, after acceptance by the CIIER Board and AGM.


Membership levels have been slightly increased. Membership reflects our research activity and focus from time to time.


Australian Digital Cities Index

CIIER has maintained its commitment to the ADCI project, despite difficulties in gaining the required sponsorship in order to complete both the analysis and research reporting.

Volunteer effort by the Project Director, Ernest Stabek, has kept the research in the public eye, and data gathering and analysis by Nan Zhou, Mehreen Hamsa, and Ian Dennis have allowed the project to progress.

Proof of Concept – sponsored by AuDA, was achieved last financial year, and final analysis results, both for ADCI, and a combined Australian DCI/European DCI was achieved after the end of the 2018-9 financial year, but before the CIIER 2019 AGM.

CIIER Ranking Engine

This project grew from a requirement of the ADCI project but has proven valuable in its own right. It allows us to easily rank groupings by disparate data-sets easily, consistently, and accurately, and will be a useful tool for future ranking analysis projects.

 In accordance with our agreement with NESTA, a gratis version of the CIIER ranking Engine has been provided to them.

City of Melbourne Grants

We continue to assist COM with reviews of submissions to their small business and community grants programme. COM pays a fee for this service.

University of Melbourne E-Health study

We participated in this project survey structure review and survey process, outcomes are imminent.

Cancer Action Victoria research programme administrative support

Whilst this proposal was accepted in principle by the CAV Board, no progress was made by CAV.

CIIER E-Health impediments study

This project was endorsed by a number of bodies, but was overtaken by the Auditor-Generals report into data breaches in the health sector.

CIIER cancer consumer database for Integrated Cancer Services

A preliminary proposal has been submitted, with further discussions to take place early in the New Year.


  • President: Ian Dennis
  • Vice-President: Ernest Stabek
  • Members: John Graham, Tricia Greenaway, Mei Krishnasamy (resigned October 2019)
  • Minute secretary/ web consultant: Jo Dalvean

Previous Annual Reports

2018 Report of operations PCIIER